AICTE Approved Institution

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ISO 9001:2015 Certified


'A' Grade Accreditation by NAAC



AICTE Approved Institution

ISO Certification Logo

ISO 9001:2015 Certified


'A' Grade Accreditation by NAAC





The Management

The college is run by a well-structured management system that has the welfare and progress of the students and the college as its prime pursuit. A Governing Council, a Managing Committee and a Technical Advisory Committee help the effective management and administration of the college. The governing council sets the policies and programmes for the college and monitors the progress.The technical advisory committee gives recommendations in respect of academic programmes and facilities while the managing committee carries out the recommendations of the two in every detail.


Admission Procedure

Admission can be done through Tamilnadu Government Counselling Quota and Management Quota.


Available Courses

B.E.Civil Engineering
Computer Science and Engineering
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning)
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
B.Tech.Information Technology
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
B.Arch.Bachelor of Architecture
M.E.Applied Electronics
M.E.Power Electronics and Drives
M.E.Computer Science and Engineering
M.Arch.Master of Architecture
M.B.A.Master of Business Administration
M.C.A.Master of Computer Application

For Admission Enquires:

Contact: 044-23644001 / 8925977077
Function of the Committee
  • Our main function is to get quality admissions.
  • Improve the admissions quality with well-defined policy.
  • Provide best counselling to students and parents who come to seek admission.
  • Create awareness about the Institute.
  • Guiding the students and parents in making effective decisions.
  • Guiding the admitted students to complete the admission procedure like paying fees, getting roll nos., getting hostel admission, getting ID-card, fulfilling eligibility criteria, etc.
  • To disseminate and comply with all the rules and regulations of admissions as prescribed by Govt.
  • Providing opportunity to the meritorious students by reserving the seats as a special case.
Roles & Responsibilities
  • To finalize on all the matters relating to Admissions of the students of both UG & PG level.
  • To issue a notification for spot admissions as per the guidelines issued by the State Government and concerned competent authority.
  • To prepare eligible criteria for admission under Management (MGMT) and Government (GOVT) quota.
  • To place advertisement in the newspapers regarding admissions as and when permitted by the chairman of admissions.
  • To prepare the list of surrendering of the seats of UG and PG courses.
  • To facilitate admission for lapsed seat of UG and PG courses.
  • To convey to the management through Principal on improving facilities from the feedbacks got from parents and students during admission.
  • To submit the list of Admissions made by the college to the concerned competent authorities and get approved.
  • To submit the admissions list to the authorities, and seeks for their approval.
  • To liaise with DOTE (GOVT) as well as Consortium (MGMT).
  • Verification of certificates for getting approval.
  • In consultation with the departments prepare attractive brochures, prospectus and hand-outs for wider publicity.
  • To prepare admission related documents.
  • To make an arrangement for consortium exam for UG and PG courses.
  • To prepare daily vacancy report and update to authorities.
  • To assist the students and to interact with the parents during admissions.

Committee Head:

category image
S. No.Name of the FacultyDesignationDepartmentPosition
1Dr. S. AnandakumarPrincipalChairperson
2Dr. M. JayavelAssociate Professor & HeadS&HCo-ordinator
3Mr. G. VenkatesanVice-Principal & HeadEIEMember
4Ms. S.M. AjithaAssistant ProfessorITMember
6Ms. G. SusilaAssistant ProfessorS&HMember
7Ms. P. J. MonishaAssistant ProfessorMCAMember
8Mr. R. Nirmal KumarAssistant ProfessorMBAMember
9Dr. S. RajeshAssistant ProfessorMECHMember
10Mr. E. SenthilkumarAssistant ProfessorCIVILMember
11Dr. Sheryl RadleyAssociate ProfessorITMember
12Ms. P. LokeshAssistant ProfessorCSEMember
13Ar. D. PreethimaAssistant ProfessorB.Arch.Member
14Mr. R. AnandkumarAssistant ProfessorEEEMember
15Mr. M.K.SoundararajanAdministrative OfficerOfficeMember
16Mr. B. BalabaranidharanPhysical DirectorS&HMember

UG and PG Programme

Degree Programs Name Approved Intake Duration (In Years) Syllabus
B.E. Civil Engineering 60 4
B.E. Computer Science and Engineering 120 4
B.E. Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning) 60 4
B.E. Electrical and Electronics Engineering 30 4
B.E. Electronics and Communication Engineering 120 4
B.E. Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering 30 4
B.E. Mechanical Engineering 60 4
B.Tech. Information Technology 120 4
B.Tech. Artificial Intelligence and Data Science 60 4
B.Arch. Bachelor of Architecture 80 5
Degree Programs Name Approved Intake Duration (In Years) Syllabus
M.E. Applied Electronics 9 2
M.E. Power Electronics and Drives 9 2
M.E. Computer Science and Engineering 9 2
M.Arch. Master of Architecture 20 2
M.B.A. Master of Business Administration 120 2
M.C.A. Master of Computer Application 60 2
Eligibility for HSC (+2) Candidates for U.G. programmes (B.E / B.Tech)

HSC (Academic)
Community A Pass with Minimum average marks in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry put together
General Category 50.00%
Backward Class including Backward Class Muslim. 45.00%
MBC & DNC 40.00%
SC/SCA/ST 40.00%
HSC (Vocational)

A pass in any one of the HSC (Vocational subject) with any one of the Engineering related subjects namely Mathematics, Physics or Chemistry with a minimum average percentage put together as given below

Community A Pass with Minimum average marks in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry put together
General Category 50.00%
Backward Class including Backward Class Muslim. 45.00%
MBC & DNC 40.00%
SC/SCA/ST 40.00%
B.Arch. HSC (Academic)

A pass in the HSC (Academic) or 3 years Govt. Recognized Diploma with Maths as a subject and minimum 50% marks in the aggregate.
Pass in NATA (National Aptitude Test in Architecture) examination with minimum 80/200.

Eligibility for II Year BE/B.Tech - Admission (Under Lateral Entry Scheme)

Candidates satisfying the following qualifying examination are eligible to Second Year Lateral Entry B.E/B.Tech., Degree Programme.

Qualifying Examination: HSC (Academic)

Diploma Candidates: A pass with prescribed minimum eligibility marks in any one of the Diploma in appropriate branch of Engineering / Technology of the State Board of Technical Education and Training, Tamil Nadu / equivalent prescribed for admission the Degree Programme.

B.Sc., Candidates: A pass with prescribed minimum eligibility marks in any recognized Bachelor’s Degree in Science of minimum 3 years duration with 10+2+3 years pattern and studied core Mathematics as one of the subjects at degree level.

Minimum Eligibility Marks: Both Diploma and B.Sc., qualified candidates have to obtain the following minimum eligibility marks for admission to Lateral Entry as prescribed in G.O. Ms. No.263, Higher Education (J2) Department, dated 30.06.2008 and as per directions issued in Government Letter No.5464/J1/2011-1, Higher Education Department, dated 4.7.2011.

Community A Pass with Minimum average marks in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry put together
General Category 55.00%
Backward Class including Backward Class Muslim 50.00%
MBC & DNC 45.00%
SC/SCA/ST Mere pass in the qualifying examination for Diploma Examinations as stipulated by the State Board of Technical Education, Tamil Nadu / B.Sc., Degree Examinations / Equivalent.
M.E. / M.Arch / MBA / MCA (Lateral Entry)

Master of Business Administration

A pass in a recognized Bachelor’s degree of minimum 3 years duration and Obtained atleast 50 % (45 % in the case of candidates belonging to reserved Category) in the qualifying degree examination.

10 + 2 years H.Sc. + 3 years bachelor’s degree pattern.   (or)   10 + 3 years Diploma + 3 years bachelor’s degree pattern.   (or)  B.E./B.Tech./B.Arch./B.Pharm.

Master of Computer Applications

A pass in a recognised Bachelor’s degree of minimum 3 years duration With Mathematics at 10+2 level or at Graduate level and obtained atleast 50 % (45 % in the case of candidates belonging to reserved category) in the Qualifying degree examination.

10 + 2 years H.Sc. + 3/4 years bachelor’s degree pattern  (or)   10 + 3 years Diploma + 3 years bachelor’s degree pattern.  


A pass in recognized Bachelor’s degree or equivalent in the relevant field and obtained at least 50% (45% in the case of candidates belonging to reserved category) in the qualifying degree examination.

Qualifying Examination:
M.E. Degree Programme Eligibility / Relevant Field
  1. Electronics Engg.
  2. .Electronics and Communication Engg.
  3. Computer Science and Engg.
  4. Information Technology
  5. Software Engineering
  6. M.Sc. (5 years integrated)
  7. Computer Science
  1. Electrical and Electronics Engg.
  2. Electronics and Communication Engg.
  3. Electronics Engg.
  4. Electronics and Instrumentation Engg.
  5. Instrumentation and Control Engg.
  6. Instrumentation Engg.
  7. Biomedical Engg.
  8. Biomedical Instrumentation Engg.
  9. Medical Electronics
  1. Electrical and Electronics Engg.
  2. Electronics and Communication Engg.
  3. Electronics Engg.
  4. Electronics and Instrumentation Engg.
  5. Instrumentation and Control Engg.
  6. Instrumentation Engg.
M.ARCH B.Arch.
  1. Bachelor of Architecture
B.Arch. HSC (Academic)

A pass in the HSC (Academic) or 3 years Govt. Recognized Diploma with Maths as a subject and minimum 50% marks in the aggregate.
Pass in NATA (National Aptitude Test in Architecture) examination with minimum 80/200.

Eligibility for II Year BE/B.Tech - Admission (Under Lateral Entry Scheme)

Candidates satisfying the following qualifying examination are eligible to Second Year Lateral Entry B.E/B.Tech., Degree Programme.

Qualifying Examination: HSC (Academic)

Diploma Candidates: A pass with prescribed minimum eligibility marks in any one of the Diploma in appropriate branch of Engineering / Technology of the State Board of Technical Education and Training, Tamil Nadu / equivalent prescribed for admission the Degree Programme.

B.Sc., Candidates: A pass with prescribed minimum eligibility marks in any recognized Bachelor’s Degree in Science of minimum 3 years duration with 10+2+3 years pattern and studied core Mathematics as one of the subjects at degree level.

Minimum Eligibility Marks: Both Diploma and B.Sc., qualified candidates have to obtain the following minimum eligibility marks for admission to Lateral Entry as prescribed in G.O. Ms. No.263, Higher Education (J2) Department, dated 30.06.2008 and as per directions issued in Government Letter No.5464/J1/2011-1, Higher Education Department, dated 4.7.2011.

Community A Pass with Minimum average marks in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry put together
General Category 55.00%
Backward Class including Backward Class Muslim 50.00%
MBC & DNC 45.00%
SC/SCA/ST Mere pass in the qualifying examination for Diploma Examinations as stipulated by the State Board of Technical Education, Tamil Nadu / B.Sc., Degree Examinations / Equivalent.

Scholarship for Admission

Government Scholarships

S.No Type of Scholarship Website
1 Pudhumai Penn Scholarship
2 Minority Scholarship
3 Post Matric Scholarship Scheme
4 Merit-cum-Means Scholarship Scheme
5 First Graduate
6 7.5% Scholarship

Non-Govt Scholarships

We are happy to share that Meenakshi Ammal Trust has instituted scholarships in the name of Shri. A. N. Radhakrishnan (for Boys) and in the name of Smt. Meenakshi Ammal (for Girls), under various categories, to students seeking admission from the Academic Year 2025-26 at our Meenakshi College of Engineering.

S.No Name
1 Merit Scholarship based on HSC Marks/School Toppers/Engineering Cut-off Marks/Test Conducted by our Engineering Colleges.
2 Merit Scholarship for toppers from government schools.
3 Wards of single parents based on their income
4 Siblings of Alumni of Meenakshi Groups of Institutions.
5 Siblings of students studying in MCE & AMACE.
6 12th students of Meenakshi Group of Schools.
7 Current Final year Students of MCE and AMACE for PG programmes.
8 Current Final year students of Meenakshi Ammal Polytechnic.
9 Ward of Faculty/Staff of Meenakshi Group of Institutions.
10 State/District level sports students.
11 Wards of Ex-Servicemen.
12 NCC Students.
13 Women students seeking admission in Mechanical/Civil stream.
14 Physically challenged.
15 Other special category decided by Management.

Faculty/Staff/Students/Alumni and parents seeking admission for their wards, known circle may contact for further details of scholarship and admission:
+91 6369694484, +91 9865055243 , +91 7358544774